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Oil Rig #99 DVD (NC)

17,50 € Reward Points Loader
En stock
SKU 14802D
Pre-condom classic by Joe Gage! Okay, let's get the insignificant part out of the way. OIL RIG #99 reflects its title in a manner that's more impressionistic than literal. If this were really about an oil rig, it would have to be one where not much work is getting done, since all the roughnecks seem to have time for is playing cards, getting drunk and getting off. Into this hotbed of horny he-men strolls not-quite-totally clueless Ryan Harker, who is reluctant (well, kind of) to join in the fellatio follies when tipped in by his new bunk buddy, Bud Wallace. Soon enough, he is drawn into the action by the siren song of salacious sucking, and becomes one of the "swing gang" in no time flat.

Okay, so on one minor level, that's what it's about. On the major level, however, what is the main focus of this video? DICK, DICK, DICK. It's acres, yards, feet and inches of glistening, pulsating, pumping, throbbing, penetrating, vibrating, thrumming, spurting, splattering, and juicy joints. If you are among the orally fixated, or just love dudes who are and like to watch, then Joe Gage (back in his Mac Larsen days) made this movie just for you. There is abso-fuckin'-lutely nothing else in this film besides gratuitous cocksucking, so if that bores you silly, move on. By twos, by threes, in groups, in daisy chains, in bunks, on the floor...it's an almost non-stop suck-a-thon. At no given time does it matter who is doing what to whom, as long as everybody gets done. And get done they DO.

So to sum up, take the group sequence from any one of Joe's movies, add some clever costuming, a few visuals and all the dick-draining action you can stand. Spread over just shy of an hour, and you have OIL RIG 99. Sound good to ya? Go for it.

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Joe Gage
La langue
Date de sortie
21 avr. 2020
90 Minutes